Antenna Measurement : Antenna Ranges, Radiation Pattern, Gain and directivity, Polarization. Reflector antennas : Plane reflector, corner reflector, procedures, Radiation mechanisms Dielectric waveguide, dielectric resonator, dielectric horn antenna. Microstrip Antennas : Rectangular and circular patch, applications and feed network. Frequency Independent Antennas : Log periodic and Helicalantennas.

Antenna analysis using Dolph-Tschebyscheff. Array of two isotropic point sources, non isotropic sources, principle of pattern multiplication linear arrays of n elements, broadside, Endfire radiation pattern, directivity, Beamwidth and null directions, array factor. Loop Antenna : Small loop comparison of small loop with short dipole, radiation pattern its parameters and their application. Linear Wire Antennas : Infinitesimal dipole its radiation field, radiation resistance, radiation sphere, ear field, far field directivity, small dipole, finite length dipole, half wave length dipole, linear elements near or on infinite perfect conductors, ground effects and their application, Folded dipole, sleeve dipole and their applications. Basic concepts of Maxwells equation, vector potential, wave equation, near field and far field radiation, dual equations for electric and magnetic current sources. Antenna Fundamentals : Introduction, basic antenna parameters, Radiation pattern, radiation power density, radiation intensity, directivity, beam efficiency, aperture concept, effective height, polarization, input impedance, gain, radiation efficiency, beam width, bandwidth, beam efficiency, FRIIS transmission equation. Theory : 100 Marks Term Work : 25 Marks Oral : 25 Marksġ.

Antenna & Wave PropagationSYLLABUSTime : 3 Hrs.